Collective Care & Relationship

Let's be real, yall: the expression "starving artist" is a thing for a reason. It's hard to get funded! Here's where my community comes in. Instead of waiting on an institution's good grace or mercy to decide I'm worthy to make money to survive (which artists are often beholden to), I'd love to invite you all into a collective care opportunity. Patreon is a website that allows people to financially support their favorite artists by donating to them each month. There's no contract. You simply sign-up to automatically contribute to my fund each month from your bank or card account. You can change the amount you donate or cancel at any time. My patrons (that's y'alll) can contribute $5/month (or more if you got it!). Through the site, I'll be sharing my art, arts content, anti-oppression curricula, breath + yoga experiences, and other opportunities for us to connect more deeply on a regular basis. You'll help me be accountable for getting better at putting myself out there! And we'll grow in relationship as I share my resources and lessons learned with you.

We’ve just launched a care space in South Carolina, y’all:

Ferrette House is a multi-disciplinary creative and healing arts residency that supports Black Southern artists, healers, and organizers tap into respite, play, and community while pushing the boundaries of liberatory expression. We've set up a charity account with Paypal, so your donations are tax deductible. We needs the monies to support our future residents. My dream is to be able to provide a stipend for folks attending, daily meals, and transportation support for every person/family that comes. I'd also like to pay someone as a Residency Manager to help with operations, logistics, and resident care. We'll be applying for grants, but that can be slow going and often requires us to be able to match any money we’re given (it takes money to make money under capitalism, y’all). I'm calling in abundance for all of us; please share what you can, if you can, when you can.